Return Mail Services
Keep customers, reduce return mail costs and improve UAA mail management.
When mail is Undeliverable As Addressed (UAA), it may be returned to your organization — breaking your connection and letting hard-won customers quietly slip away. We can help you hold on to the value of your existing relationships with Ricoh’s Return Mail Services.
Tackle rising returned mail costs

Dealing with returned mail costs money, space and time.
Critical mail that is never seen by the intended recipient is money down the drain and results in a bad customer experience. The hard cost alone of returned mail can add up substantially, and dealing with returned mail can also be a space-intensive activity — driving up real estate costs or taking space away from more productive uses. However, the true cost of customer replacement is lost revenue. We can help you reconnect with your customers before they are lost and reduce the volume and cost of Returned to Sender (RTS) mail.
Shed burdensome UAA activities

Our fully managed offering lets you focus on your business.
The burden of Undeliverable as Addressed (UAA) mail can have a ripple effect throughout your organization — including departments dealing with remediation, an influx of customer service activity, etc. We can help you dissipate this ripple effect by moving to a digital workflow. Our fully managed offering facilitates the collection, digitization and remediation of undeliverable mail. Let departments manage their Returned to Sender mail within a consistent, centralized methodology and toolset. We’ll arm you with the information you need to address compliance requirements connected to RTS mail and to reduce wasted paper and needless CO2 emissions from failed delivery.
Reconnect with your customer

Retain the revenue you’ve worked so hard to gain.
Don’t lose customers that move without registering a forwarding address. Our technology can help data work for you with our change of address database access and algorithms. First, Ricoh collects your Return to Sender mail. Next, mail is scanned and the images are transferred to the cloud for OCR extraction of key data points. Data points are run against leading address correction databases in an effort to relocate your customer. Action queues segment returned mail by department or document type, making it easy to distribute remediation — all while giving your organization a roll-up view across the entire process.