Ecolabels and certifications

Ricoh designs its products and software with the environment in mind.

Set the bar high with ENERGY STAR® and other energy-saving technology

Eco-Responsible Procurement - UL ECOLOGO®

We are an active participant in numerous industry organizations and associations that help in establishing standards that are beneficial for the imaging equipment industry and our customers.

UL ECOLOGO® Certified products and services are verified for reduced environmental and health impact. ECOLOGO Certifications are voluntary, multi-attribute, life cycle-based environmental certifications that indicate a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing and exhaustive auditing to prove its compliance with stringent, third-party environmental standards.

These standards set metrics for a wide variety of criteria in some or all of the following categories:

  • Materials

  • Energy

  • Manufacturing and operations

  • Health and environment

  • Product performance and use

  • Product stewardship and innovation

Support sustainable environmental management – ISO 14001​

Have questions? Speak with one of our representatives.