Consumables Take Back Program

Recyclable Ink cartridge

Consumables Take Back Program

Toner bottles/cartridges and full or empty waste toner bottles

Ricoh is dedicated to environmental sustainability, which includes recycling used toner bottles, cartridges, and waste toner bottles, whether full or empty. We invite our customers to participate in our recycling program by offering two convenient, free-of-charge options for returning consumables.

The options are:

1. Purolator Courier Label - for Shipments less than 70 pounds

Place the empty toner bottles or cartridges in the box that the full replacement toner bottles or cartridges came in or use one of your own empty boxes for returns.

Generate and print a prepaid Purolator return label by filling out the Purolator Courier Label Generator on the right.

When you are ready to ship, affix the shipping label to your box and call Purolator Courier for prepaid courier pickup.

Purolater Courier phone: 1-888-744-7123

Please Note:

  • It's important to ensure that all information in the label generator is completed accurately and in full.

  • The number of return labels needed should correlate directly with the number of boxes you are returning.

  • Do not photocopy the label for subsequent returns, they have unique barcodes attached to it and is good for only one parcel return item. If you require a second label, simply click "generate label" again for a new label.

  • Labels will expire after 10 days

Purolator Courier Label Generator

2. Purolator Freight Bill of Lading - for shipments over 70 lbs

If your company produces an extremely high volume of used consumables, Ricoh can provide your company with a Gaylord shipping container should space permit.

Gaylords are the size of a standard shipping pallet: 48" x 40” x 36”. You can receive a container by calling or emailing our Supplies department and asking for a Gaylord Container (product code: Empty Box).

Ricoh Canada Supply Desk

Toll free: 1-800-267-9469

  • Press 1 for English, 2 for French

  • Press # 2 (supplies)

Once this container is filled and you are ready to ship:
  1. Download the applicable Bill of Lading

  2. Affix it to the container

  3. Call Purolator Freight for pick up: 1-888-302-8819

  • To download the shipping container label for British Columbia, Yukon, or the Northwest Territories, click here

  • To download the shipping container label for Alberta, Manitoba, Nunavut or Saskatchewan, click here

  • To download the shipping container label for Ontario, click here

  • To download the shipping container label for Quebec, NB, NS, PEI or NL, click here

Thank you for recycling!

Have questions? Connect with one of our representatives.