Case Study: Joseph Brant Hospital
About Joseph Brant Hospital
Founded in 1961, Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington, Ontario has been providing quality healthcare to their community for over five decades. With a dedicated staff of more than 2,000 physicians, health professionals and volunteers, Joseph Brant is committed to compassionate care and exemplary service.
“Our process is pretty much the same as it was before except it’s electronic. Ricoh matched the technology to our workflow. This has made it extremely easy for everyone to adapt.”
Jane Cheng
Computer Support Pharmacist
Joseph Brant Hospital
The Ricoh Pharmacy Order Manager Solution was the ideal solution to improve Joseph Brant Hospital’s medication order process.
The solution features powerful DocuScripts software, designed to streamline order placement and fulfillment, and eliminate complications for both pharmacy and nursing staff.
Rather than burden staff with two systems, Ricoh combined the entire medication order process into a single workflow. This triggers the relevant workflow that delivers and displays all orders to the pharmacy and prioritizes stat orders without a single phone call or interruption.
The Ricoh team also provided training material which was used to educate staff on the solution.