Laptop device with multicolored balls next to it

Device security

Security threats are no longer limited to personal computers, servers, or networks. Any device — even basic network printers — needs countermeasures against a diverse range of threats. As multifunction printers’ (MFPs) functionality has evolved, they have become core IT assets. As the computing capability of what was traditionally categorized as “printer/copiers” has grown, so have potential threats, which can include:

  • Malicious access via networks

  • Tapping into and alteration of information over the network

  • Information leaks from storage media

  • Unauthorized access via a device’s operation panel

  • Improper access through fax telephone lines

  • Information leaks via hardcopy

  • Security policy breaches due to carelessness

Simply hoping you don’t get hit is not the answer. Superior technology, diligence, and knowledge are essential, requiring a deep understanding of how to tackle potential issues caused by vulnerabilities in your devices, the data they process, and the networks to which they connect.

Device authentication

Types of encryption

Independent security standards and certifications

  1. * The FIPS 140-2 CMVP validated hard drive is available now in limited supply for many of our products.
  2. ** Firmware upgrade available as a planned future release. May not be suitable for all devices.