Production print & mail services
Create a world-class print and mail operation
Eliminate bottlenecks in your print and mail operation with a customized onsite, offsite or blended solution. Our assessment helps to make sure you have the right software, hardware, personnel and processes to:
Adapt to changing market conditions.
Improve the customer experience.
Lower costs while shortening payment cycles.
Operate with repeatable, consistent processes.
Ensure business continuity and disaster recovery.
Automate and streamline print and mail

Achieve your goals for mail discounts, SLAs, compliance and more.
You manage a complex mix of people, processes and technology in your high-volume print and mail operation. Factor in evolving customer communications, shifting regulations and changing postal requirements, and you may wonder if you have all the bases covered all the time.
Receive the expertise and resources to help you:
Maximize USPS mail discounts with our Postal & Data Quality solutions and workflow software that commingles and sorts mail to achieve five-digit densities.
Manage risk by meeting regulatory requirements, regardless of industry, to avoid penalties.
Achieve service-level agreements (SLAs) with automated, repeatable processes.
Outsource printing and mailing, partially or fully

Shift to OpEx to free up cash and gain capacity on demand.
The costs of an in-house print and mail operation are unpredictable, considering turnover, spikes in business, equipment failure, unplanned software upgrades, labor costs and so on. When you outsource printing and mailing, you can gain stability and predictability with:
Trained people who step in at a moment’s notice.
U.S.-based facilities that ramp up quickly.
The latest technologies — including workflow software, printers and inserters — to match your capabilities.
Easier compliance with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001, SSAE Audit, HIPAA, PCI, HITRUST and other regulations to help mitigate risk.
Cost management based on paying only for what is produced.
Improve customer engagement and response

Keep up with consumer preferences for e-services and mobile bill payment solutions.
Consumers expect to complete transactions online. With Production Print & Mail, you can offer digital mail services, like Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP), that are built into your solution.
With our Document Composition as a Service and omni-channel customer communications management capabilities, your customers are able to access their statements or bills via a web portal, email or mobile device. As a result, you can:
Improve marketing messages and brand consistency.
Shorten accounts receivable cycles to accelerate cash flow.
Increase the visibility of your billing and collections processes.
Save paper, energy and postage.
Be prepared for print and mail emergencies

Plan ahead for print-to-mail business continuity and disaster recovery.
Are you ready for the fire alarm or the midnight call? Without a disaster recovery strategy, you put your business, revenue and customers at risk. Miss a compliance requirement or an SLA associated with statements, explanations of benefits (EOBs) or checks, and the penalties can be hefty.
With optional Print & Mail Continuity, our team of experts can:
Assess your existing disaster recovery plan or help you build one from scratch.
Apply proven plan components, roles, responsibilities and so on.
Conduct testing and validation on a regular basis.
Activate the plan if circumstances require failover to our facilities.